
Passive Homes

With the constant rise in utility costs, energy efficiency should be high on your list of priorities when building your new home. These small upfront improvements can save you money from day one and throughout the life of your home.

There are many different options when it comes to home efficiency and it is very important to understand them all in order to help you make the best decision possible. Riko Homes is constantly researching new and existing technologies.

Here are a few ways to differentiate between different levels of energy efficiency:

A – Zero Energy Home – Home that creates as  much energy as it requires to operate

B – Passive House  – 90 % more efficient than a code built home

C – NetZero Ready – 80 % more efficient than a code built home

D – R-2000 – 50 % more efficient than a code built home

E – Energy Star – 20 % better than a code built home

F – Home built to minimum building code requirement

Passive House is the world‘s leading standard in energy efficient construction and are 90 percent more efficient than a code built home.

The Passive House Standard stands for quality, comfort and energy efficiency. Passive Houses require very little energy to achieve a comfortable temperature year round, making conventional heating and air conditioning systems obsolete. While delivering superior levels of comfort, the Passive House Standard also protects the building structure.

A passive house is designed to have very little thermal bridging and have consistent insulation throughout the building envelope. These houses are extremely air tight and have a maximum of 0.6 air changes per hour at 50 Pascals pressure.

Here is a short video explaining the concept in detail.



A Zero-Energy Home is a house designed and built to include on-site renewable energy systems, so that the house may produce as much energy as it consumes on a yearly basis.

A Zero-Energy home is not necessarily an “energy autonomous” house or “off-grid” house, as it can be connected to the electricity grid, so that it can supply electricity to the grid when it is producing more than it needs and draw from the grid when household demands exceed the amount of electricity produced on site. Alternatively, with on-site energy storage, off-grid is possible!

When achieving a Zero-Energy home, the cost of on-site renewable energy will be considerably less with a Passive house as you will only need half the amount of energy required compared to a Netzero ready home!

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Net Zero Ready

Net Zero Ready Homes are up to 80% more energy efficient than typical new homes and are built ready to install renewable energy systems to produce the remaining energy they need. Every part of the house works together to provide consistent temperatures throughout, prevent drafts, and filter indoor air to reduce dust and allergens. The result: great energy performance and comfort – a home at the forefront of sustainability. It all adds up to a better living experience.

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R-2000-certified new homes are 50 percent better than a code built homes and include high levels of insulation, clean air features and measures to help protect the environment. This translates into energy savings, increased comfort, and a healthier environment for the homeowner.

Every R-2000 home is built to the stringent R-2000 Standard developed by Natural Resources Canada.

It’s what goes into the construction of your R-2000 home that separates it from other homes on the market.

Typical features of an R-2000 home include:

  • High insulation levels in walls, ceilings and basements

  • High-efficiency windows and doors

  • High-efficiency heating

  • Whole-house mechanical ventilation

  • Testing to ensure minimal air leakage

  • Water-conserving fixtures


Energy Star

Energy Star is an internationally recognized brand and a trusted symbol for identifying energy-efficient products (e.g. kitchen appliances, televisions, etc.) and new homes.

An Energy Star certified new home is on average 20 percent more energy efficient than a home built to code. These homes present a practical choice for homeowners looking for a new home that is energy efficient and environmentally friendly.